the questioning

no matter the question, love is the answer!

Being here now is both the beginning, and the end of any spiritual journey.

It represents both the insignificance of our existence, and the potential of our transcendence.

at first glance, spiritual work may seem a little too straightforward and logical, so its easy to think that there's something we're not seeing. additionally, these simple ideas are often followed by explanations littered with concepts that sound beautiful but are antithetical to one another.

so, don't worry if you feel confused while reading this website...don't even trip if you feel like you're losing your mind

a goofy way of understanding what being here now is, is by considering this quote by Marcus Aurelius, but replacing the words "the good man" with "a man who is being here now"

“Does it mean to *experience sensations?*

well no, even grazing beasts do that.

Does it mean to *let your desires control you*? or to *go against your desires*?

well no, even wild animals and tyrants do that.

Does it mean to *make your mind your guide to what seems best?*... because even people who deny the gods do that. Even people who betray their country...If all the rest is common coin, then what is unique to the good man?

To welcome with affection what is sent by fate. Not to stain or disturb the spirit within him with a mess of false beliefs. Instead, to preserve it faithfully…”

Marcus Aurelius (2002). “Meditations: A New Translation”, book 3, p.34:

the best way to experience this website, is by looking at it as nothing more than a collection of thoughts, ideas, and opinions, which aim to help you live effectively

everybody lives differently, and there's certainly more than one way to approach the idea of seizing the present. Still though, it has become extremely apparent to me that most people fail to see how the level of our inner consciousness determines the level of our outer experience.

being here now, refers to the practice of continually remembering that our thoughts, attitudes and feelings are the parents of our experiences. One who is being here now, knows that he can consciously create circumstances, produce conditions, and control his own destiny by ordering and disciplining his mind…

alright :) adelantando voy! andando despacio, sin prisa, pero adelanto

the suffering

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